Holyrood Events

The Scottish Parliament in Holyrood

Our campaign in Holyrood continues to see tangible results, thanks to the support of Graham Simpson MSP, the shadow housing minister who we met with earlier this month. His support enables us to make use of Holyrood as a venue, and to officially invite other MSPs to events.

Later this year we will be holding several high profile events for our Scottish members in Holyrood, where you will have the opportunity to meet with MSPs and tell them directly about the challenges you face. This will help to show the impact that inaction is having on individual owners and ensure that your MSPs can’t ignore the issue.

Once the dates are finalised, tickets will be available for our Scottish members.

To read the full story, see the latest issue of Listed Heritage, the Club’s 155 page bi-monthly magazine. Every issue includes a dedicated section on our lobbying efforts, as well as news, features and technical guidance from across the heritage sector.

To show your support for our campaign, you can join the club.

To send us your feedback, call us on or e-mail us at campaign@lpoc.co.uk.