Scottish Campaign

It’s been a quiet week or so for our campaign, but not one we’ve wasted. We have been laying the preparations for our launch into Scotland, something that has taken a bit more work than in Wales.

In Wales setting up cross party groups is, relative to Scotland, quite easy and only requires three parties to be members. In Scotland this particular requirement is more stringent, requiring all five parties to be represented. We decided to take the time to research and plan our approach to ensure that we would garner support from all ends of the political spectrum.

However, we are now ready to begin approaching MSPs and to start building an official group within Holyrood to represent the interests of listed building owners. It may take more time to find supporters, but we will be contacting almost every MSP and impressing on them the need to have a dialogue over the issues that affect our members.

To show your support for our campaign, you can join the club.

To send us your feedback, call us on 01795 844939 or e-mail us at