LPOC’s Inaugural Parliamentary Reception a tremendous success

LPOC’s Parliamentary Reception to raise the issues of listed building ownership hailed a tremendous success, with minister for Culture, Media and Sport Ed Vaizey MP attending to how his support.

Many important Westminster figures gathered to listen to LPOC founder Peter Anslow’s presentation on listed property ownership as part of our lobbying campaign, with a  number signing to join an All Party Political Group after the election next year.

Mr Vaizey MP arrived to meet LPOC on Tuesday 21st October and made a closing statement following Peter’s presentation. Showing his appreciation, the minster expressed  thanks to LPOC and listed property owners for their important role in preserving heritage, also acknowledging the difficult processes they face. Mr Vaizey assured he would  do his best to help owners of listed properties in the Autumn statement.

 LPOC asked Parliament for:

  •  A reduction in VAT on approved listed building alterations, repairs and maintenance to 5%
  •  More detailed and clearer guidance for owners on issues such as double glazing
  •  Better representation in Parliament

The event, hosted by Eric Ollerenshaw MP for Lancaster & Fleetwood, was a great opportunity to bring key issues surrounding ownership to the attention of Parliament. The  points raised received great understanding and sympathy from those attending with many agreeing the need for change.

Peter Anslow said in his speech: “Over 1 million people call listed properties their home, yet the issue on the fringes of political debate. For the sake of  owners livelihood and the large cultural contribution they make this must change.

“We hope you can see why it is so crucial for listed property owners to have a voice in Westminster and we hope you will support an APPG in their name.

LPOC is now positive of setting up an APPG and will build on the support gained at the event to gather further backing in the run up to the general election, along with setting our own manifesto.